Female, Málaga, April 2019
Male, Málaga, April 2019 (note the sex brands on the hindwings)
Female, Málaga, April 2019
Female, Málaga, April 2019
Female, Málaga, April 2019
Male, Málaga, April 2019
Female, Málaga, Februrary 2017
Female, Málaga, February 2017
Female, Málaga, February 2017
Málaga, February 2017
Gibraltar, July 1999
Gibraltar, July 1999
Caterpillar, Papiliorama butterfly house in Switzerland, October 2015
Caterpillar, Papiliorama butterfly house in Switzerland, October 2014
Caterpillar, Papiliorama butterfly house in Switzerland, October 2014
Breeding distribution (also breeds in the Canaries)
The monarch is principally an American butterfly but it has
spread all
over the world. It now breeds in several places in Spain and Portugal
can be seen almost
anywhere in the western Mediterranean. I saw my first European examples
in Gibraltar in 1999, in the Trafalgar Cemetery. In April 2019, on a
return visit, I saw one in the same place. For the last few years I
have been seeing them in good numbers in Málaga, where they breed, and
have also seen them on the north coast of Morocco. The map above
represents the breeding distribution. Vagrant individuals may be
spotted elsewhere in western Europe, including the UK. Some of these
will be genuine migrants, from America or from southern European
populations; others, doubtless, are deliberate or accidental escapes
from butterfly farms and private breeders.