In April 2010 I visited India with my family, to pay our respects to my grandfather, who is buried in Kolkata, and visit the Lawrence School at Lovedale, where my great-grandfather was headmaster. As well as this personal pilgrimage I found time to photograph some butterflies, and this page records them.

The school where I currently work (Collège Alpin International Beau Soleil) sends students and teachers to Tamil Nadu every year to help with schools and educational projects. Some of them have taken butterfly photos for me to include in these pages and I visited myself in October 2012, when I was able to add more.

Currently I have pictures of 60 species of Indian butterfly.

PAPILIONIDAE (Swallowtails and their allies)
PIERIDAE (Whites and yellows)
LYCAENIDAE (Blues, coppers and hairstreaks)
DANAIDAE (Tigers, crows and their allies)
NYMPHALIDAE (Vanessids, fritillaries, aristocrats and their allies)